January 4


Taihape Golf Club

January 4, 2015

The Taihape Golf Club is nestled in the countryside just 5 km north of Taihape Township and 1 km off the main road. It is a beautifully laid out, albeit challenging, golf course in very peaceful surroundings. Taihape is the home course of Hamish Robertson who plays on the Australasian Tour.

The Taihape Golf Club is steeped in history, starting in 1909 on a six hole course just south of Taihape. Two years later the club moved to a nine hole course at Papakai Road where it stayed for 14 years. In 1925 the club shifted to the “Ruakura” site 3 miles north east of Taihape and in 1955 the current site was purchased. Most of the development of the new course was carried out with voluntary labour and was opened on 26 May 1956.
By 1961 an 18 hole golf course had been developed. However, in 1964 a further 10 acres was purchased and the current 2nd and 3rd holes were developed. The new clubhouse was built in 1968 and the course was then reorganised to its’ current layout. With these shifts and this last reorganisation, 53 greens had been laid over a period of 15 years, 20,000 drainage tiles had been laid and many trees planted.

By 1990 the club owned a very tidy 18 hole golf course with a modern clubhouse debt free – a tribute to the astute management of past committees and the generosity of some members.
The club is still debt free today due in no small part to the willingness of the members to attend working bees when major works are required and a tight rein on the finances by successive committees.

Throughout the years, Taihape Golf Club has been very traditional in its approach to course development. Committees have constantly updated the course design to test the modern golfer. Especially the recent removal and planting of new trees, and the 2011 reconstruction plan of all the greens.

We hope you enjoy our club and what we offer.

90 Golf Club Road,
Taihape 4795

Phone: 06 388 1247

Email – enquiries@taihapegolf.co.nz

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