January 4


Paraparaumu Beach Golf Club

January 4, 2015

Regarded by many as one of the greatest links courses in the southern hemisphere, Paraparaumu Beach Golf Club is a world renowned layout on the undulating dune land of the Kapiti Coast.

Located just 45 minute’s drive from New Zealand’s Capital City, Wellington, the course has hosted the New Zealand Open 12 times. A record unsurpassed by any other course. In 2002 it hosted the worlds number 1 golfer, Tiger Woods.

The course was designed in 1949 by former Australian Open champion Alex Russell, the highly acclaimed course architect and onetime partner of Dr Alister MacKenzie, the world renowned course architect. The course has been widely acclaimed over the years. The great Australian golfer, Peter Thomson – winner of the British Open on five occasions and nine times New Zealand Open champion, had this to say about the course;

“I loved it instantly. We had nothing like it in Australia , which must have struck Alex Russell, who did the layout. Course designing approaches an art form, especially done in a perfect modelling medium like volcanic sand. Russell must have been ecstatic. What was left after his departure was a gem of enjoyment, a monument to the game and a gift to the future. When we all turn to dust, “Paraparaumu” the golf, should be still lying there as it was when the first golfers came by, with Kapiti an off-shore island standing guard to see that no one steals it away. And the winds will ever blow to test the golfer’s will and integrity. Paraparaumu will be famed for a century yet.”

376 Kapiti Rd,
Paraparaumu Beach, 5252

Phone:04-902 8200
Email: bookings@paraparaumubeachgolfclub.co.nz

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