March 17


Keriputt – Minigolf – Keri Keri – Bay of Islands

March 17, 2015

Keri-Putt Mini Golf
Open all public holidays except Christmas Day, Good Friday and Anzac morning.

Keri-Putt’s 18 hole mini golf is affordable fun for all the family, beautifully landscaped with a picnic area available for patrons.
The mini golf course is a challenge to the better golfer yet easily played by novices and children.
Why not organise a family challenge now – bookings are not required.

Rainbow Falls Road
Keri Keri
Phone: 094077370
Mobile:0274945632 for special booking.
Winter Hours: Saturday – Sunday 10am – 5pm

Antique Toy Museum
Incorporated but separate from the minigolf is a lifetimes collection of antique and vintage toys.
Ranging from the 1900′s to the 1970′s they include such famous international brands as Lehmann, Bing, Marx, Shuco, Triang, Meccano, Ezy Built, Tootsie Toy, Mamod and Chad Valley.
Perenial New Zealand favourites include Lines Bros, FunHo, Matchbox, Dinky, Lincoln, Minic and Hornby.
Why not try the Scalextric layout and show the kids what real toys were about.
Pedal cars and trikes before Motocross bikes, tin dolls houses before plastic you will be surprised how long today’s toys have been in production.
New Zealand has an interesting toy history, and this is well represented in our big-little toy museum.

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